Tuesday 16 December 2008


Paxman: Name/Age/Location/Sex?

TAZZ: Russ / 39 / CANADA /yes please

Paxman: lol Profession?

TAZZ: Plumbing and heating

Paxman: Marital Status?

TAZZ: Married well at lest i think i still am after spending so many hours on this game lol

Paxman: lol what does your wife think of all the time you spend online on the games?

TAZZ: lol she fucking hates it, but i just hand over the credit card and she is good for a week lol

Paxman: Lets start from the beginning! Tell us how you first discovered the online mafia world and how long ago was this?

TAZZ: Nov/ 07

Paxman: and what made you stick around after you first joined the game?

TAZZ: well when i first started on TMB i was attacked as soon as started to build by a guy named Killa_Kane and me and him had it out there and then i told him he was a fucking jerkoff lol, then he started to talk to me and asked me to be in his family. on TMB i am known as THE_BUTCHER

Paxman: I see. And did you eventually join his family?

TAZZ: Yes that was my first family, it was DG_DEMONS

Paxman: How long did you stay with that fam for?

TAZZ: We were there for a few rounds then the family went With Moctozema or how ever you spell it lol we were Moc_Demons, after two rounds with them we went back to DG for one round then we went to ICS

Paxman: ok, and what kind of families were these? Attackers or collectors?

TAZZ: DG and MOC were fighters and ICS were collectors

Paxman: so you got a taste of both quite early on. Which style of play did you prefer back then and what do you prefer now?

TAZZ: I love to cause shit and do a lot of shit talking so i guess i like the fight lol

Paxman: lol what is your goal behind the shit talking, just for the hell of it, or is it a psychological battle?

TAZZ: I find it takes other people off there game and they start to fuck up more lol and it is also a blast, but one thing i never do is talk about family

Paxman: So a shit talker with boundaries?

TAZZ: yes there are some things you never say.i never say anything about any ones mom or other family members because you dont know if they have ever lost a family member

Paxman: any memorable occasions of shit talking you can remember where the person fucked up because of what you said?

TAZZ: lol ya one time in TMB i asked a guy if he jerks off on his head so he can catch his cum in his mouth and he just fucking lost it on me and while he was doing that i attacked the poor guy lol it was the start of the round and he just started to build so i cleaned him out

Paxman: lol looks like it worked! So how long did you stay with ICS and how did you like that fam?

TAZZ: lol i didnt like it at ics i found they only ranked the people they like lol. lets talk more about ML i like it better there lol

Paxman: sure is ML the only other game you play?

TAZZ: lol no

Paxman: how many are there?

TAZZ: i play street mobster also
TAZZ: only 2 now i quit TMB

Paxman: your favorite one and why?

TAZZ: My favorite is ML because of the layout and my friends here, and also some of the guys from TMB are here with me also

Paxman: and you've been playing ML since round 1?

TAZZ: lol i thought it was round One but it may have been round two

Paxman: wow another long term player! So what fams have you been with since you started?

TAZZ: lol now let see if i can remember
TAZZ: my first family was EAST_SIDE , after that it was HIT_SQUAD, and then A asked if i would help him build up a family called MR_MEN but i also had my own family called VOO_SUCKS at one time lol

Paxman: lol I take it you and Voo didnt get along so great?

TAZZ: I guess if you like ASSHOLES he is ok

Paxman: what do you dislike about him?

TAZZ: I banked cash with him at one time and the prick didnt send it back at end of round so ever since i dont have much use for him.

Paxman: so you are one to remember grudges for a long time?

TAZZ: hell ya......and he has all his puppets well trained

Paxman: haha how long did you stay with Mr Men and what was the main focus of the fam?

TAZZ: lol i am still with them, i did leave for a few rounds to make families to piss off voo. and i also left one time when me and A had a little disagreement i think i was gone for about 5 rounds and then we worked it out, now what was that all about i can't fucking remember lol and the focus of the family was to be the best there is

Paxman: i see, ok well lets get to a few questions about the ML community. Who would you say is the funniest person on the game?

TAZZ: hands down that has to be that fucktard Chucky lol

Paxman: lol dont like him?

TAZZ: i love the guy he is like a brother to me lol

Paxman: haha, stupidest person?

TAZZ: well i really cant say voo because he does do well every round so i would have to say it is voo's boy toy shawn

Paxman: any reason?

TAZZ: well i think he is just riding voos coat tails, he is more then likely the biggest cock sucker in ml

Paxman: hehe i can see why you have a reputation as a shit talker! Nicest people on the game?

TAZZ: i have a few A , yohboo , freak, sammy_thebull , jun and i now there are lots more but i would be here all night lol

Paxman: Best Killer? and best collector?

TAZZ: best killer well i see fuckaface is all ways up there and best collector i think would be A

Paxman: If you could give advice to 5 people on ML, who would they be and what advice would you give to each person?

TAZZ: lol here we go
TAZZ: VOO- You do not have to pay to have friends
TAZZ: shawn- you do not have to suck dick to rank
TAZZ: Yohboo - please wear shorter skirts
TAZZ: Chucky - see my shrink please
TAZZ: Toothy- if he is still around some place get a fucking life

Paxman: lol. Who do you trust the most?


Paxman: Mafioso you most suspect of being homosexual?


Paxman: Most fanciable Mafioso?

TAZZ: lol

Paxman: Which person would you most like to join your union from the other union?

TAZZ: sketer

Paxman: Biggest Liar and any memorable occasion of them lying?

TAZZ: Voo from when i banked with him because he didnt send my cash back, and yes voo i will get it back

Paxman: Scariest person?

TAZZ: lol no one

Paxman: Mafioso would you most like to meet in real life and why?

TAZZ: i would like to meet all of the MR_MEN family because they are a great bunch of people

Paxman: What do you think of admin on ML and are there any changes you would like to see them make?

TAZZ: i think the admin there listen to ya but i would love to see them do this type of thing with the players as in interviews

Paxman: you mean you would like to see them interviewed or have interviews on the site?

TAZZ: lol both

Paxman: lol ok. Tell us what has been your favorite round so far and why?

TAZZ: that would have been the round A started MR_MEN because it was the real start for me in this game

Paxman: worst round and why?

TAZZ: That would be the round that me and A had a falling out because i thought i may have lost a very good friend

Paxman: The one person you hate the most?


Paxman: lol i thought that might be coming! Who are your best friends on the game and tell us why you like each one?

TAZZ: A- because he is a very caring person
TAZZ: sammy_thebull- he is a very good friend also that cares alot
TAZZ: Yohboo- she is funny
TAZZ: jun- i love her poems
TAZZ: joepapi- friend from TMB
TAZZ: sketer- good friend very nice guy
TAZZ: Freak- helped me out lots
TAZZ: Chucky- allways good for a laugh lol

Paxman: Biggest rankwhore on the game?


Paxman: Fav thing about ML?

TAZZ: My friends i have there

Paxman: Do you play as a free player or as a supporter and do you think the game is fairly balanced for both?

TAZZ: I am a supporter and yes i do in this game but in TMB it is not

Paxman: its too easy for supporters to do well there?

TAZZ: Well not really but if you are a supporter in TMB you will get in the larger unions and get a ranking spot

Paxman: ok now for the personal questions. Feel free to answer these in as much or as little detail as you like.

TAZZ: ok shoot

Paxman: When were you happiest?

TAZZ: when i am getting fucked

Paxman: Where would you most like to live?

TAZZ: Right were i am now

Paxman: What is your most treasured possession?

TAZZ: my family

Paxman: What makes you depressed?

TAZZ: the loss of a friend

Paxman: How do you relax?

TAZZ: play ML

Paxman: Which living person do you admire the most and why?

TAZZ: My wife for putting up with my shit

Paxman: What single thing would improve the quality of your life?

TAZZ: to retire lol

Paxman: To whom would you most like to say sorry and why?

TAZZ: lol to my wife for saying something stupid

Paxman: What does love feel like?

TAZZ: like nothing i ever felt before, i cant explain it lol

Paxman: Have you ever said 'I love you' and not meant it?

TAZZ: hell i was a teenager once so ya just to get a piece of ass lol

Paxman: Describe your ideal woman

TAZZ: one with an open mind and likes to be pampered

Paxman: What was the greatest kiss of your life?

TAZZ: from my wife on our wedding day

Paxman: When did you last cry and why?

TAZZ: i really dont want to go into that one next

Paxman: What is your favorite word?


Paxman: What is your favorite smell?

TAZZ: the ocean

Paxman: Do you believe in God?

TAZZ: lol here we go
TAZZ: in school you learn about evolution and in church about god so tell me does the scool board or the chuch fill your head with shit

Paxman: so thats a no?

TAZZ: thats a i am not sure lol

Paxman: haha ok. If you could edit your past, what would you change?

TAZZ: nothing i believe you learn from your mistakes

Paxman: What is your most unappealing habit?

TAZZ: jerking off outside in the wind lol
TAZZ: joking

Paxman: Favorite song?

TAZZ: I swear
TAZZ: my wedding song lol

Paxman: All 4 One right?

TAZZ: no john Michael
TAZZ: or how ever he spells his fucking name lol

Paxman: What is the worst thing anyone has ever said to you?

TAZZ: no lol

Paxman: and nicest thing?

TAZZ: yes

Paxman: If you could do anything with anyone for 1 hour, what would it be and with whom?

TAZZ: I would like me, A, sketer and Sammy_thebull to sit down and get fucking drunk together

Paxman: What has been your biggest disappointment?

TAZZ: When i was about 20 my dad called me up to say he had some thing to tell the whole family so we went up there and there was this woman there, he said before he had met my mother that he had gotting a lady prago and this woman was our sister. well the disappointment would have to be that crack whore of a bitch

Paxman: How would you like to be remembered?

TAZZ: As someone who is fair and will not kiss ass to get ahead

Paxman: What is the most important lesson life has taught you?

TAZZ: to allways be honest

Paxman: and finally, tell us a joke!


Paxman: lol. ok thanks very much for your time and shit talking Tazz. Any final shoutouts or curses you would like to send out?

TAZZ: lol ok this may take a few mins
TAZZ: Sammy_thebull i thankyou bro for showing me the ropes in these games, A you will all ways be a true friend, Yohboo you rock, chucky you will all ways be a fucktard that every one loves lol, sketer you are one great guy and i hope that i am training you well lol, Freak well what can i say you are a freak lol and a good friend, and for those i missed i am sorry
TAZZ: also
TAZZ: VOO you are and all ways will be an asshole
TAZZ: and
TAZZ: Shawn you will all ways be voo's boy toy
TAZZ: ok i am done lol

Paxman: lol thanks very much Tazz

TAZZ: hell no fucking problem
TAZZ: thankyou paxman


Anonymous said...

Nice interview bro enjoyed it :)

Anonymous said...

sounds gay...lol
voo rankwhore?he collects hisself the most cash:S lol

Anonymous said...

Nice interview Tazz,thanks for the mention even tho havent really spoken much..havent written any poetry recently but when I do will let ya know ;)

Anonymous said...

Nice one Bro. you brought back alot of good times i had forgottan, Thx for da kind Words, but i've not done that much i don't feel. Just helpin a good Friend which has its own rewards in itself.

Much Respects, Freak ;)~

Anonymous said...

Nice interview Russ. Some very funny one-liners there. Its been a pleasure knowing you mate, hope we can stay in touch even if you have to leave the game for a while..

Keep fighting bro ;-)

PS: I dont like that song so much btw lol